Thursday, May 8, 2008

Smoking Habit: Physical Or Mental?

Kicking the smoking habit is known to be one of the hardest things to do. The addiction can be so overwhelming to so many people that they feel like they will be chained to smoking forever. And now more than ever, pharmaceutical companies charge in to the rescue on our TV screens, in our magazines and on our radios touting the new wonder patches, pills and inhalers that will supposedly make kicking the habit as easy as turning off a light switch.

But why is it that these drugs fail 95% of the time in getting smokers to quit for one year? Is it really nicotine that makes it so hard to quit smoking or is it the powerful beliefs of the mind? Nicotine is completely gone from the bloodstream in 72 hours from the last cigarette. But this is when the cravings become the strongest and this is the smokers first real challenge to over come a real physical desire. But the physical cravings gradually go away and studies have shown that after 30-45 days, the addiction is all psychological. And this is where most smokers who want to quit fail. With the physical cravings being so short-lived and being such a small part of failing, Nicotine Replacement Therapy or NRT only prolongs the physical addiction which is gone soon anyway but does nothing for the stronger phsychological pull that the smoker will eventually have to face anyway.

Like steel cables, the smoker has made pleasurable relationships with smoking such as hanging out and talking with other smokers. The good feelings they got were actually from the camaraderie and the companionship but because they were smoking during those times, the smoking is heavily associated in the smokers mind with these pleasures although the smoking had little or nothing to do with it.

Since smokers often smoke during or after meals or when drinking coffee, the pleasures they got from these things alone are now identified with smoking and they have difficulty imagining that they could actually enjoy one without the other.

But here is the funny thing. Smoking itself is not an enjoyable experience. The body actually rejects it. Hacking coughs, smelly clothes and hair, yellow nails and teeth, having to go outside where smoking is prohibited. All these things are what really make up the smokers world. But movies, TV and magazines have made smoking look so enjoyable and not to mention, cool, that reality of it is left at the door.

That's what 39-year smoker Rick B. discovered for himself and this was the discovery that set him free from a lifetime enslavement to smoking when nothing else he ever tried worked at all. In his own words: "I must have said a thousand times, 'I enjoy smoking' or 'that cigarette will taste good right after dinner', but that was because they (the Tobacco Industry) made me belive that smoking cigarettes was a natural and pleasurable thing to do. What I soon learned was that I really love not smoking!"

Rick was soon able to enjoy a life that he thought he would never know again. Foods tasting great, no more shortness of breath. His teeth are white again. He has a lot more energy and he thinks much more clearly. the big secret to his success was by retraining his mind with his own personal technique to see smoking for how it really is and disconnect any perceived pleasure from it.

And that is the secret behind ending most bad habits: severing the minds association of pleasure with them.

To learn more about Rick B. and how he finally overcame smoking after 39 years, go to:

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Belly Fat? Parasites May Be To Blame

So, you've starved yourself with every hunger-striker diet there is. You've looked up the most brutal workouts and spent many days recovering from them. But it still sits there; almost in defiance, refusing to leave. It's the old spare tire, the bud ha, the gut. It's that disgusting belly fat that sticks to us like glue and mocks all of the hard work we do to make ourselves look better.
Well, if you have tried everything and nothing seems work, you might want to look into something that more and more people are becoming aware of. You may have parasites living in your body that are making you fat.

Now, worms are something we usually only think about taking Fido or Princess to the vet for. We don't stop to think that they could actually be in us as well. Well here is a startling statistic: It has been estimated that over 85% of the world's population suffer from some sort of parasite infestation. There are over 100 known species of parasites that reside in humans. They all have creepy sounding names like hookworm, fluke and nematode.

The link between parasites and belly fat is that these parasites that live in you repopulate at horrific rates. Female worms can squirt out as many as 3000 to 20,000 eggs in one day. These parasites basically eat the same food you eat. They eat many of the nutrients that you should be getting and when they are done with that, they start eating you. And just like any other organism, they have to get rid of their waste. They usually do this in your bowel tract adding to the pounds of fecal matter that is already there. The FDA states that the average person has about 5-15 lbs. of fecal matter in their colon. Now with thousands of parasites contributing to this everyday, it's easy to see how much of the extra weight you have could be attributed to them. Some patients who have cleansed themselves of these parasites have actually seen the rapid fat loss of up to 100 lbs.

But it gets worse. More and more doctors are linking the presence of parasites and build up in the colon with many deadly diseases like cancer, heart disease, strokes, arthritis, high blood pressure and others. In fact according to the Royal Society of Medicine: "Death begins in the colon."

Getting rid of these parasites may not only get rid of that extra belly fat you are carrying around with you but it may very well save your life.

How do humans get parasites in the first place? We get therm from the food that we eat, the (non-purified) water that we drink, the air that we breathe and we can also absorb them through the skin. Basically, parasites are everywhere so it makes sense that so many people are infested with them. They are said to be abundantly present in the processed foods we eat, fast food and non-purified water. Stroking the infected family pet can cause an infestation as well as walking barefoot in grassy areas. So if you have been exposed to any of those things and you can't get rid of that extra belly fat, you are a good candidate for internal parasites and may look into getting rid of them. One such resource is available here:

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Reassuring Reasons why Hypnosis is your Friend

Reassuring Reasons why Hypnosis is your Friend

Believe the hype or think for yourself

For too long hypnosis has had a bad or 'difficult' press. If a person doesn't understand something they have 3 options open to them.

1) They might be sceptical and therefore save the trouble of looking further and possibly benefiting.
2) They may conclude it is dangerous and to be avoided at all costs.
3) They may spend time discovering the truth behind the hype.

If you don't know much about a topic it's easy to be suspicious. Some people assume hypnosis is akin to a carnival side show, others consider it mystic mumbo jumbo or 'mind control.' For those who look beyond the hype the truth is far more illuminating.

The most powerful tool you possess

There are potentially huge benefits for those who use hypnosis as part of everyday life. When you understand hypnosis you start to see its potential to improve human performance in the physical, emotional and intellectual realms. For me, rumour, gossip and suspicion weren't good enough.

I determined to learn all I could about hypnosis - I learned every fact and practised every technique under the sun. I took several training courses - some good, some terrible. I invested thousands of hours of devoted study to hypnosis and discovered just what is possible. I hypnotised friends, neighbours and work colleagues. Hypnosis greatly changed things for me on a personal level

How hypnosis helped me

I used to be shy. Thanks to hypnosis I can now talk to thousands at a time and can approach anybody calmly and confidently.

I used to have poor concentration and procrastinate; thanks to hypnosis I can instantly motivate myself.

I used to find physical work outs and exercise exhausting but because of hypnosis I am now in the best shape of my life.

Incidentally I also stopped myself blushing with hypnosis. Now if ever I have a difficult call or conversation coming up, something I may naturally feel reluctant to do (you know the kind of thing) I spontaneously self hypnotise and rehearse the upcoming situation feeling good, with myself remaining calm. In this way I habitually set my own emotional 'blue prints' for up coming situations. Having said that it's naturally that some people have concerns or half digested 'hand me down' ideas regarding hypnosis. A common one is the one about 'mind control.' However what does this really mean?

Why you are more in control of yourself in hypnosis

If someone expresses concerns about being 'controlled' in hypnosis what they mean is they don't want to be like a robot, an automaton that is forced to obey the every whim of the hypnotist. We can't help but influence others but we don't control them. To understand why you need to understand hypnosis better.

So what is hypnosis like?

Hypnosis isn't like a coma. It's not unconsciousness - more a subtle shifting of consciousness. In hypnosis, you can still think logically but you also have access to the 'software' of your mind so that you can update instinctive emotional and physical responses. In fact the hypnotised subject (not the hypnotist) calls the shots. When I hypnotise someone I need to go at their speed and respond to their needs and expectations. Hypnosis will give you more control in your own life because of what it enables you to do.

How can I be so sure?

Because over the decades I've seen all kinds of people, all ages and from all backgrounds turn their lives around thanks to hypnosis. When you use hypnosis for yourself it improves confidence in all kinds of ways. When you use it to change other's lives it just blows you away. This is what I mean.

When I first hypnotised someone to feel no sensation in a painful arthritic arm it was an incredible feeling. When I first cured life long phobias quickly and comfortably I was astounded. When I stopped hardened alcoholics from drinking and even got a heroin addict off the stuff and back into mainstream life again I started to feel angry that people could just associate hypnosis with entertainment.

With the aid of hypnosis I (and many people I have trained and worked with) have helped severely depressed people feel strong and positive again. The rewards and satisfactions are hard to describe. I'm going to take a stand against ignorance and short sightedness around hypnosis and here's why.

Why you need to reclaim hypnosis for yourself

Hypnosis is your birthright. It's nature's optimum learning tool. In fact to learn and perform anything well you need to experience a natural focussing of attention, a natural kind of hypnosis. To be successful hypnosis needs to be your companion and friend.

Successful people use it naturally all the time because hypnosis is natural. It's the way we learn new responses. Unlike medications its side effects are purely positive - one expectant mother I worked with to feel relaxed during child birth later reported that she was also more relaxed when flying!

Hypnosis is easy to learn and every body can benefit. Hypnosis is a safe environment to 'try out' new behaviours and emotional patterns before you experience them for real. So the young man can ask a woman out for a date many times in calm relaxed hypnosis so that by the time he does it for real it feels real and natural and relaxed. Sports people who use hypnosis learn new quicker and more accurately. So hypnosis gives you more control of yourself and your life, it's natural and gives you instant benefits and it's a way of 'trying on' and establishing new patterns of emotional response and behaviour, Hypnosis enables you to develop yourself as a human being. offer a free course called 'Learn Hypnosis in 5 Days'.

Article by Mark Tyrrell of Hypnosis

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fat Loss Conspiracy Buster

Forget that "hunger-striker diet" you were thinking about going on. A shocking new secret has been leaked out that reveals all you need to know about shedding pounds of ugly fat, staying healthy, and adding many years to your life.

A lady doctor from Arizona has divulged what may be the best-kept secret in weight loss ever discovered and this has the diet food and drug industries foaming at the mouth.

Her name is Dr Suzanne Gudakunst, and she doesn't play on "their team". Don't worry. Nothing about her "secret" is difficult nor does it require that you do something bizarre or undergo expensive surgery. Rather, Dr. Gudakunst proudly proclaims: "...this is something that I caught onto just before 2002 when there was so much research and exploration going around concerning the human colon and digestive system working in harmony with nutritional absorption, and I started doing independent studies just to test things at first ... but which I later expanded on after seeing some fantastic results."

This same Doctor found a direct link between harmful plaque and parasites in the human bowel tract to people suffering from chronic obesity. These people, who in spite of their intense diet and exercise programs, appeared to be unable to lose any fat at all.

Over the course of six years, Dr. Gudakunst developed some very effective natural remedies that remove these same harmful, even deadly plaques plus the rapidly reproducing digestive parasites.

When she used these treatments on even worse-case patients suffering extreme obesity, (98% of which were in immediate danger of dying) she found a 100% success rate.

She then used the same strategies on milder cases of overweight people only to find the same amazing results as described above (although the individual fat loss per subject wasn't nearly as dramatic as those in obese patients who were 100 lbs to 200 lbs or more overweight).

So powerful is her secret, that she's able to turn the tables on diabetes, eradicate illness altogether in people who suffer from cancer (linked directly to poor diet and overweight factors), as well as the elimination of a vast array of serious and otherwise deadly diseases.

Nearly 100% of all her patients were told by "conventional doctors" that they either had only months or years to live, or they would never live a life that even came close to being "normal". But when these same people used Dr Suzanne's formula, they experienced the complete opposite of the other doctors' grim predictions.

Again, nothing about her secret is weird or requires any major action or change to people's lives. Quite the contrary. Her entire treatment hinges on nature's "protection agents" found all over the world in the form of select herbs, extracts, and plants. But when these elements are assembled in specific combinations and carefully chosen amounts, they form a cure to what has lately become probably the world's worst plague ever: OBESITY.

Now, for the great benefit of everyone else, whether they have just a few extra pounds or maybe extremely fat, this doctor is courageously releasing to the general public her secret to forever breaking free from obesity's grip on over now more than 40% of Americans and others worldwide.

How long will this information be around? Some experts and sociologists suggest that the powers that be will never tolerate such a revolutionary cure (any more than they would a car that runs on water) to ever fall into the hands of the general public.

Not too long ago, a well-respected and well-known diet & wellness author wrote that if anyone ever "truly unlocked the keys to permanent fat loss, they may actually suffer the same fate as JFK."

You can still find out more about this new discovery here:

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Chronic Candida: The Unrecognized Illness

Patients with Chronic Candida often suffer needlessly for years with symptoms ranging from depression to loss of memory to fatigue. Sufferers of this condition go from doctor to doctor looking for a cure but are often written off as hypochondriacs because the doctor is unable to properly diagnose the problem.

Doctors often only recognize the presence of Candida (a yeast overgrowth) when it is visible like under fingernails or on feet or genitals. Only a select few recognize the possibility of it existing in the intestines. And this is where candida can do the most damage. Left unchecked, the yeast can turn into a fungus and release penetrating entities known as rhizoids that poke little holes in the walls of the intestines and send toxins into the blood stream that affect many different parts of the body. This is known as "leaky gut syndrome".

The yeast feeds off of the sugar in the bloodstream and also feeds off the cells of the body itself. In order to digest the sugar and the cells, it releases toxins into the bloodstream. These toxins attack the immune system making the body more vulnerable to disease, allergies and rashes.

Yeast is used in the making of all alcoholic beverages. It converts sugar into alcohol via a process known as fermentation. When there is a yeast overgrowth in your intestines, and food with a high sugar concentration like perhaps your favorite candy bar or a chocolate cake is introduced to it, the yeast has a feast and ferments out a nice cocktail in your body which often causes a feeling of intoxication or light-headiness after eating these high sugar foods.

So with no diagnosis of the real problem, doctors can only prescribe medicine and antibiotics that only eventually make the symptoms worse. This is because many of the anti fungus drugs used don't kill the fungus, they only slow down the growth of it.

Another problem is that it usually takes about ten years for the American Medical Association to approve of a systematic method for treating an uncommon disease. After many years and exhausting all their resources, sufferers of candida have turned to natural cures.

There are a select few herbalists that have discovered the right combination of herbal treatments that have wiped out the presence of candida of many patients and put an end to their suffering once and for all. These natural cures have done what the drugs and antibiotics could not. These natural formulas have been able bring the body back to a proper balance where yeast is no longer able to overgrow and turn into candida.

The most important thing you can do if you suspect you may have candida is to get tested for it by a health professional. Then, with your physician's okay, you may want to look into a natural solution to ridding yourself of this horrible condition and living a happier, healthier life the way you were meant to. And the nightmare of candida will be just that.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

FDA Approval For Natural Cures: Don't Hold Your Breath.

It's funny when you pick up any bottle containing a natural herb or supplement and read the little message at the bottom: "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration."

Ever wonder when the FDA is going to get around to evaluating them? After all, they have only been used for thousands of years.

People all through time have reaped the benefits of these natural cures but the FDA doesn't seem too interested.

On the other hand, the FDA seems to implement a virtual approval stamping machine when it comes to brand new prescription drugs.

Toward the end of the 1980's The FDA got slammed by AIDS advocacy groups who felt that the approval process for potentially life saving drugs was too long. The FDA responded in recent years by putting new policies in place that would speed this process up. The FDA has gone even further by offering incentives to drug companies to develop new drugs faster.

There was also the controversial Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) of 1992 which helped bolster the FDA budget by collecting fees from industry user fees.

The problem with natural cures is that since they are natural, they can't be patented. There is no big profit to be made off of something that can be copied distributed by everyone and their brother so no one can afford to pay these tremendous fees to the FDA to get them approved.

And with no FDA approval, they can't be prescribed by an MD. Very interesting how it all works.

There are also reported incentives given to panelists on the FDA from Drug companies. For example back in 2005, It was reported in the Associated Press that a study was done by Toward the end of the 1980's The FDA got slammed by AIDS advocacy groups who felt that the approval process for potentially life saving drugs was too long. The FDA responded in recent years by putting new policies in place that would speed this process up. The FDA has gone even further by offering incentives to drug companies to develop new drugs faster.

There have also been reports of incentives given to advisory panelists on the FDA by drug companies. For example, back in 2005, a study that was done by the Center For Science in the Public Interest revealed that 10 out of 32 FDA panelists who voted on whether or not to keep some controversial pain killers including Vioxx on the market received incentives from their manufacturers including consulting fees and research support. The 10 panelists were reported to have voted 9-1 in favor of keeping the drug Vioxx on the market and 10-0 in favor of the other drugs. Vioxx was pulled off the market a short time later by the manufacturer to to the report of heart problems of some patients. Without these 10 votes in favor of keeping the drug, they would all been pulled off the market.

A study in USA Today by Dennis Cauchon reported that “More than half of the experts hired to advise the government on the safety and effectiveness of medicine have financial relationships with the pharmaceutical companies that will be helped or hurt by their decisions."

The report goes on to say: "Federal law generally prohibits the FDA from using experts with financial conflicts of interest, but the FDA has waived the restriction more than 800 times since 1998."

Wow 8oo times. Makes you wonder.

I think the message is very clear here . . .

Money Talks.

Actually, natural plant-based cures got kicked to the curb in the early part of the 20th century when pharmaceutical companies gained considerable influence over medical schools with generous funding.

The health-care industry is one of the largest industries in the world and it only grows exponentially in profits as the population continues to grow and the baby-boom generation gets older.

There is simply not enough profit in natural cures for them to get the same consideration by government as a the gigantic pharmaceutical health care industry.

It is also important to note that there is no real profit in you getting healthy or staying that way.

If you are interested in learning more about these natural cures, you are invited to check out the following website. In addition to getting more vital information you can learn how to stay cold free all year round the natural way for free.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Silly Rabbit, Pharmaceuticals Are For Kids!

If you watch tv for only a few minutes, you can't help noticing all the prescription drug commercials. You see all the smiling happy faces, people riding bikes, playing with their kids, in sunny, happy, green Utopian worlds.

Then you see why they are so happy. They are taking this new prescription drug that seemed to solve not just the ailment they were suffering from but all of their other problems too. I have to say that I have never had prescription drugs make me that happy.

Well, maybe some of them did but we won't go there.

Now by law, they have to mention all the possible side effects that are included at no extra charge with these drugs. And it's never just one either. It's a whole laundry list. They often sound worse than the original problem.

But here's the scary part. These are prescription drugs. You can't just run to the store and pick them up. You have to get them prescribed by a doctor.

But normally, if you had a medical condition, you would be seeing a doctor for it anyway. And wouldn't that doctor already prescribe what (in their expert opinion)was best for you?

Well just in case they wouldn't, The pharmaceutical company suggests that you "ask your doctor if their wonder pill is right for you."

So now, just like a kid informing his mom what kind of cereal she should buy at the grocery store,(the one with the most sugar and the cool new prize in it, of course)
patients can now run to their family physician and tell them which drug would be best for their particular problem.

And in many cases, the doctor is willing to oblige.

After the Food and Drug Administration lightened up on their policies in 1997 on Direct To Consumer or DTC ads, pharmaceutical companies have finally been able to do what over-the-counter drugs have done right from the beginning. They have cut out the middle-man and gone straight to the consumer. Currently, the US and New Zealand are the only nations in the world that allow this. Now the patient can almost diagnose their own problems the same way they did with over the counter-drugs.

It is estimated that approximately $2.5 billion a year is spent on DTC Pharmaceutical ads.

Someone has to pay for all this lights, camera action and that person is going to be you and all the other millions of patients that bite on these ads hook, line and sinker and run off to their doctor to get the newest wonder pill.This is especially apparent when you consider that many of these new drugs are protected by a patent and have no generic equivalent.

The bottom line here is that the pharmaceutical company has never met you or examined you in order to determine what is best for your individual needs.By asking your doctor who has done all that, you could probably find a treatment that is right for you at about a third of the price.

But keep in mind that most prescription drugs do not cure the problem (they would stop making money if they did) but merely deal with the symptoms and have nasty side-effects.

More and more people these days are looking into more natural cures that not only eradicate the symptoms but actually work with the body to cure or better yet, eliminate their source and live happier healthier lives with no side-effects in addition to keeping much more money in their pockets.

Then they can actually have the smiles on their faces that match the actors in those pharmaceutical DTC ads.

You can find out more about these natural cures and see what all the buzz is about here:

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Vegetarian Life

. . .So these two cows were standing next to each other in the field. One cow says to the other one: "This Mad Cow Disease I've been hearing about really has me worried."

"Doesn't bother me any." says the other cow. "I'm a toaster" Well I have to say that Mad Cow Disease, hormones, recalled meat and all the other nastiness we've been hearing about lately doesn't bother me that much either because I'm a vegetarian.

I've been a vegetarian for around 20 years now and it feels great. I look younger, feel younger, I have a lot more energy and I save a lot of money.

I find the vegetarian lifestyle to be much healthier. Not only do I avoid all the poisons and diseases that are found in mass produced meat products from time to time butI also avoid all the high risks for digestive problems and an array of cancers.

Plus, keeping fat off is a lot easier too.

What cracks me up is the reaction I get when eating with non-vegetarians.

I don't preach about it. I don't even mention it. but I get these looks from people like I have two heads or something. I get the obligitory sneer and then, "so why don't you eat meat?" or "you must be one of those tree-huggers."

I tend to get a lot of ribbing from my friends as well.

It seems like my being a vegetarian is some kind of attack on them for eating meat.

Other people just wonder how I do it. The idea of not eating meat just doesn't seem possible for them. The biggest hang-up they have is a perceived lack of taste.

This is because when most people think of a vegetarian diet, all that comes to mind is salad. And since meat is such a big part of most diets, it is difficult to get a way from at the grocery store.

But there really is a lot more available than just that.

For instance, if you go into most grocery stores these days, you will find a vegetarian section. Although it is still usually small, you will still find many soy-based meat substitiutes. I have been getting these for quite some time now and they have made many improvements in the taste over the years. They taste very close to the real thing and are a lot healthier. There is veggie steak, chicken, hamburgers and hot dog substitutes. We won't even talk about what they put in real hot dogs.

Soy is low in saturatedand trans fat. It has been found to lower cholesterol, and help prevent heart disease while lowering the risk of colon, prostate and breast cancer.

There are also a wide array of vegetarian recipes available these days now that the vegetarian lifestyle has gained in popularity. Also you can find a great book on the subject here:

In any event, switching to a vegetarian diet can make you a lot healthier, put more money in your pocket and it's easier thatn you think.